5 Future Tech Trends That Will Blow Your Mind

Technology is advancing at such a fast pace that it’s difficult to keep pace with it! Each day there’s one new innovation, and sometimes, the next day it’s gone! Here are some futuristic mind blowing tech trends which we hope will take the world by storm!

Future tech trends

1.Finger Reader

future tech trends

It’s so difficult for visually impaired people to get good jobs. This might just help them! Want to know more? Well, here’s what it is!

  • Finger reader is a small ring equipped with a camera which reads text aloud in a synthesized voice.
  • Should be worn on the finger like a ring and is of great help to visually impaired people.
  • If you stray from the text it gives you a warning with vibrations.
  • Visually challenged people can have access to all documents, books and other materials like never before.

Looking forward to it soon!

2.Holographic TV

holographic tv

Forget all old technologies like LED and Ultra HD TV’s. (That’s what you would say when you hear about this!) Here’s the new holographic TV idea by MIT researchers.

  • This TV will render a holographic display as fine as the real world.(maybe 50 gigapixels per second…wow!)
  • So the viewing area will be realisitic and not just based on screen size.

While the cost of such an innovation would be extremely high, researchers say the technology itself is inexpensive and we could look forward to this in the next decade.

3.Robot spies like insects

robot insect spies (2)

As kids, spying movies really caught our fancy! (Even now too!) The US military is rumored to be working on tiny robots like insects for spying.

We would love to watch out for these little bugs immune to bug spray!

4.Tooth regeneration

tooth regenaraion (2)

Losing a tooth is sad! You can never grow it again and must follow it up with the nightmare of visiting the dentist! The solution? Here it is.

  • Scientists are looking at ways to regenerate your teeth similar to an alligator’s system of regeneration
  • With a few modifications, we can also regenerate lost teeth in case of damage.

Now you don’t have to look like a Bollywood villain with missing teeth!

5.Wireless Electricity

wireless elecricity

The tangles of wire dangling over our heads, be it telephone or electricity wires, leaves us stumped. Surely, most of us would have wondered how we get rid of them! Looks like God will answer our prayers in future.

  • A number of companies are working on having electric hubs which could power an entire house.
  • The plan is to make use of the idea that some particular electromagnetic waves make it easy to transfer energy and also, electricity can be transferred between objects resonating at the same frequency.

Sounds like rocket science? Just leave it to the scientists! But it’s said that it might come out next decade.

Hope you had an interesting read! We’re on the watch out for many more future tech trends which we can share with you.

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